The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
By Abraham Lincoln
Introduction by Allan Nevins
Edited by Philip Van Doren Stern
By Abraham Lincoln
Introduction by Allan Nevins
Edited by Philip Van Doren Stern
Part of Modern Library Classics
Jun 13, 2012 | ISBN 9780307816818
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"There was a time when Americans were too near Lincoln to comprehend his full greatness. To a traveler standing near a mountain range many eminences seem to have approximately the same altitude; it is difficult to disengage Everest from his lofty neighbors. But as the range recedes in the distance, the highest peak lifts more and more above its fellows, until it alone fills the horizon. So it has been with Lincoln."–Allan Nevins
"Lincoln in His Writings" by Allan Nevins
"The Life of Abraham Lincoln" by Philip Van Doren Stern
Chronology of Lincoln’s life
275 original documents, addresses, speeches, letters, and telegrams, placed in their historical context
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