A Nation of Deadbeats
By Scott Reynolds Nelson
By Scott Reynolds Nelson
By Scott Reynolds Nelson
By Scott Reynolds Nelson
Category: U.S. History | Economics
Category: U.S. History | Economics
Jun 04, 2013 | ISBN 9780307474322
Sep 04, 2012 | ISBN 9780307961051
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Praise for Scott Reynolds Nelson’s A Nation of Deadbeats
“A fascinating historical narrative. . . . This revisionist account is eminently readable, in large part because Nelson offers flesh-and-blood examples rather than relying on abstractions.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Lucid. . . . This astute account of economic disruption and disaster through the Great Depression is a useful and engaging perspective on our propensity for repeating our financial mistakes.”
—Publishers Weekly
“This might not qualify as 100% pure revisionist history, but it is certainly unconventional history, and hooray for that. . . . History focusing on the losers instead of the winners is especially effective. . . . A Nation of Deadbeats is especially timely, coming as it does during a nationwide and worldwide economic slowdown of at least four years duration and counting. . . . Even if those debtors are sometimes the victims of circumstances beyond their total control, they nonetheless can start ripples in the economy that become tidal waves.”
—USA Today
“Exceptionally readable. . . . [Nelson] has painstakingly extracted the sensational details from the mucky ore of the history of financial crises in the U.S., welding them together. . . . Well worth reading—particularly as it is larded with entertaining characters and powerful citations.”
—New York Journal of Books
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