Jan 05, 2010 | ISBN 9780812974096
Jun 03, 2008 | ISBN 9781588367297
The Trendmaster’s Guide
The Sales Gurus
The Loyalty Leap
The Referral Engine
Having a Real Relationship with God
Fail Fast, Fail Often
The Smarter Screen
The Emotional Energy Factor
“A fresh and fascinating exploration of the places where material culture and identity intersect.”—Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food
“A compelling blend of cultural anthropology and business journalism.”—Time
“Few observers have plumbed the subterranean poetry of marketing as thoroughly as Walker.”—New York Times Book Review
“Superbly readable . . . a thoughtful and unhurried investigation into consumerism . . . marked by meticulous research and careful conclusions.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Witty . . . Walker unravels what he calls the Desire Code, that tension between wanting to fit in and wanting to stand out, wanting to be unique and yet somehow attached to something greater than ourselves.”—Times-Picayune
“Provocative . . . richly reported.”—USA Today
“Terrific.”—Miami Herald
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