Jul 19, 2011 | ISBN 9780307718174
The Sale of a Lifetime
I’m the Vampire, That’s Why
A Taste of Ice
Live Like You’re Blessed
Time Management for the Creative Person
Weddings For All Seasons
Fool’s Puzzle
American Generalship
Dark Light
“It is not her great grandfather’s Republican party anymore. And Margaret Hoover has written a book that old Herbert would enjoy. Sassy, opinionated, and smart, Ms. Hoover shakes up conventional GOP wisdom.”
—Bill O’Reilly, Anchor, Fox News Channel
“Margaret Hoover, a fresh and brilliant young voice in the Republican Party, is bent on connecting the GOP to rising generations of the young. She has something to say to their elders, too. They’d best hear her.”
—Peggy Noonan, columnist, Wall Street Journal
“Margaret Hoover’s American Individualism is a must read for every member of the Republican party—elected or otherwise—as a new generation of Republicans try to shine new light on who exactly we should be.”
—Meghan McCain, author of Dirty Sexy Politics
“An insightful and important book”
—National Review
“Hoover is an engaging personality with timely advice for Republicans. Her book and her message…are helpful guides to candidates and political operatives. And frankly, the Republican Party of New York…might do well to get her on the ballot somewhere in 2012.”
– Washington Post
“The 2012 Republican nominee would do well to take a page from Hoover’s book — a lot of pages.”
– Chicago Sun Times
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