Retirement: Different by Design
By Rick Steiner Ph.D.
By Rick Steiner Ph.D.
By Rick Steiner Ph.D.
By Rick Steiner Ph.D.
Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Personal Finance
Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Personal Finance
May 26, 2015 | ISBN 9781578265565
May 26, 2015 | ISBN 9781578265572
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The Abundant Life Journal
“Any book on retirement planning that does not begin with a discussion of money is off to a good start, at least to our thinking. And so it is with Retirement: Different by Design.”
—The Wall Street Journal
“With its specifics on psychological, financial and lifestyle changes, there’s no better book to give the nearly-newly retired than Retirement: Different by Design; it’s about making the most of change and accepting the attitude adjustments that come with it. [The book] explains and explores the entire process and offers many concrete keys to making the most of this end result, and should be read by any who contemplate making this big change.”
—Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Reviews
“Whether you are a war baby late to the retirement table or a baby boomer anticipating retirement, Retirement: Different by Design provides very useful guidelines to consider. [The book] inspires the reader to take and maintain a positive attitude towards this important phase of life, and to develop an agenda that will make these years meaningful. The writing is filled with good humor and wisdom.”
—Dr. Risa Palm, Georgia State University
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