I'm Not Here to Give a Speech
By Gabriel García Márquez
By Gabriel García Márquez
By Gabriel García Márquez
By Gabriel García Márquez
Part of Vintage International
Part of Vintage International
Category: Essays & Literary Collections
Category: Essays & Literary Collections
Jan 08, 2019 | ISBN 9781101911181
Jan 08, 2019 | ISBN 9781101911211
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“I’m Not Here to Give a Speech is a welcome reminder of his immense contributions to literature, as well as his skill in using literary fame to highlight the distinct culture and creative strength of Latin America.” —Christian Science Monitor
“Márquez speaks with the future in mind. . . . Language is his love.” —The Independent
“A set of speeches given over the course of his long literary career offers snapshots of the Colombian author’s uniquely eloquent humanitarian voice and vision. . . . Essential truths in the rare and generous voice of a maestro.” —Kirkus Reviews
“This neat collection sets out the revered Colombian novelist’s two key passions. . . . First is a quest to identify a Latin American spirit, and to celebrate and defend it. Second is an enduring belief in the power of the imagination. . . . [He was] as poetic and polemical in speaking as he was in writing.” —Art Review
“I’m Not Here to Give a Speech radiates a familiar humorous charm and robust sensuality. . . . The book is of a piece with the fiction, and equally haunting.” —The Irish Times
“These talks, so eloquently rendered by García Márquez’s longtime translator Grossman, capture the novelist’s passion, genius, and energetic way of telling a story with a clear moral.” —Publishers Weekly
Table Of Contents
The Academy of Duty, Zipaquirá, Colombia, November 17, 1944
How I Began to Write, Caracas, Venezuela, May 3, 1970
Another, Different Homeland, Mexico City, October 22, 1982
The Solitude of Latin America, Stockholm, Sweden, December 8, 1982, Ceremony awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature
A Toast to Poetry, Stockholm, Sweden, December 10, 1982
Words for a New Millennium, Havana, Cuba, November 29, 1985
The Cataclysm of Damocles, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico, August 6, 1986
An Indestructible Idea, Havana, Cuba, December 4, 1986
Preface to a New Millennium, Caracas, Venezuela, March 4, 1990
I’m Not Here, Havana, Cuba, December 8, 1992
In Honour of Belisario Betancur on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, February 18, 1993
My Friend Mutis, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, August 25, 1993
The Argentine who Endeared Himself to Everybody, Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City, February 12, 1994
Latin America Exists, Contadora, Panama, March 28, 1995
A Different Nature in a World Different from Ours, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, April 12, 1996
Journalism: The Best Job in the World, Los Angeles, United States, October 7, 1996
A Bottle in the Ocean for the God of Words, Zacatecas, Mexico, April 7, 1997
Dreams for the Twenty-first Century, Paris, France, March 8, 1999
The Beloved Though Distant Homeland, Medellín, Colombia, May 18, 2003
A Soul Open to be Filled with Messages in Spanish, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, March 26, 2007
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