Sep 30, 2003 | ISBN 9780142003428
Sep 30, 2003 | ISBN 9781101191316
Death’s Acre
Working on God
Delivered from Distraction
Black Edge
The God Project
Power Game
Dire Cartographies
“[Ellsberg’s] well-told memoir sticks in the mind and will be a powerful testament for future students of a war that the United States should never have fought.” (The Washington Post)
“Ellsberg’s deft critique of secrecy in government is an invaluable contribution to understanding one of our nation’s darkest hours.” (Theodore Roszak, San Francisco Chronicle)
Table Of Contents
Part I
Prologue: Vietnam 1961
1. The Tonkin Gulf: August 1961
2. Cold Warrior, Secret Keeper
3. The Road to Escalation
4. Planning Provocation
5. ”Off the Diving Board”: July 1965
6. Joining the Foreign Legion
7. Vietnam: The Lansdale Team
8. Travels with Vann
9. Losing Hope
10. Rach Kien
11. Leaving Vietnam
Part II
12. Jaundice
13. The Power of Truth
14. Campaign ’68
15. To the Hotel Pierre
16. The Morality of Continuing the War
17. War Resisters
18. Extrication
19. Murder and the Lying Machine
Part III
20. Copying the Papers
21. The Rand Letter
22. Capitol Hill
23. Leaving Rand
24. Kissinger
25. Congress
26. To the New York Times
27. May Day 1971
28. Approaching June 13
29. Going Underground
Part IV
30. The War Goes On
31. The Road to Watergate
32. End of a Trial
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