Moth and Spark
By Anne Leonard
By Anne Leonard
By Anne Leonard
By Anne Leonard
By Anne Leonard
Read by Christian Coulson
By Anne Leonard
Read by Christian Coulson
Category: Epic Fantasy | Paranormal & Fantasy Romance
Category: Epic Fantasy | Paranormal & Fantasy Romance
Category: Epic Fantasy | Paranormal & Fantasy Romance | Audiobooks
Dec 30, 2014 | ISBN 9780143126218
Feb 20, 2014 | ISBN 9781101634516
Feb 20, 2014 | ISBN 9780698149533
851 Minutes
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“Fun and beautifully crafted. The novel is something like a Russian nesting doll: it’s a Jane Austen novel inside a Princess Bride type fantasy romp inside a much darker Tolkein-esque story of politics, war, magic, and dragons. An impressive debut.” – Charlie Lovett, New York Times bestselling author of The Bookman’s Tale
“In a genre where it’s typical for hapless adolescents to stumble, dazzled and awkward, into great power and great responsibility, it’s refreshing to read a fantasy novel where the leads are a pair of mature, competent adults. With her protagonists, Tam and Corin, who fall in love amid impending war and resurgent magic, author Anne Leonard brings a sense of literary sophistication to her debut novel Moth and Spark.” – Kansas City Star
“Moth and Spark is a standalone, a rare gem, especially in the fantasy genre. A fantastic read all around.” —The Book Swarm
“Anne Leonard’s Moth and Spark combines action, adventure, and romance flawlessly…. Readers will love the magic and secrets that are laced throughout…. From mysterious deaths to dragons, there is something here for everyone. Moth and Spark is beautifully written… Austen-esque and elegant.”—My Dear Biblophage
“Immensely readable, hard to put down… a debut that shows so much potential.”—Fantasy Review Barn
“[An] intriguing fresh fantasy debut.”—Genrefluent
“Moth and Spark was a magnificent blend of traditional fantasy, adventure and romance. It just might be what many a fantasy fan has been aching for.”—My Shelf Confessions
“Moth and Spark [is] for anyone looking for a standalone fantasy romance. It’s light but not too fluffy, and is perfectly suited for bouts of escapism and flights of fancy.”—Books Without Any Pictures
“…Astounding writing… a story that you can really sink into. This is one of those powerful debut novels that is unlike anything you’ve ever read before, while being exactly what you expect.”—Book Worm Blues
“Anne Leonard had me at dragons. From just this aspect alone I knew I would like the book. It’s a fantasy, but it’s not heavy fantasy. So if you’re knew to this genre, this would be a great starting point…I would love for the author to write more books in the realm of Caithen.” —2 Read or Not 2 Read
“Anne Leonard knows how to craft a paranormal fantasy that is never dull, intriguing with just the right amount of details, and cleverly plotted to impact on the reader’s interest. You won’t be able to put this down; and if you’re a new or old fan of fantasy, this is definitely a MUST for your next read! Highly recommended!”—Crystal Book Reviews
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