Excerpts from a Secret Prophecy
By Joanna Klink
By Joanna Klink
By Joanna Klink
By Joanna Klink
Part of Penguin Poets
Part of Penguin Poets
Mar 31, 2015 | ISBN 9780143126874
Mar 31, 2015 | ISBN 9780698183179
The First Christian
Reading Jazz
One Less Thing to Worry About
Writing for Story
The Purity of Desire
The Heart Aroused
Lesbian Sex
Raising a Teenager
Praise for Excerpts from a Secret Prophecy
“In a culture inclined to mistake opacity for depth and stridency for passionate feeling, Joanna Klink has made a body of work at once utterly lucid and breathtakingly urgent. She navigates between those most suspicious extremes, despair and ecstasy, without ever seeming to be a poet dependent on extremes. Taken together, her books are an amazing experience: harrowing, ravishing, essential, unstoppable.”—Louise Glück, American Academy of Arts and Letters Award citation
“Excerpts from a Secret Prophecy is a paradoxical wonder: its lean exterior cloaks an expansive interior; its rich solemnity is couched in syntactical and imagistic intensity; its perceptiveness is simultaneously elemental and sublime. Joanna Klink has given us Rilkean elegies haunted by ‘the love you feel for what you lost.’ Her poems illuminate the membrane between loneliness and solitude.”—Terrance Hayes
“A passionate but controlled lyric meditation on time, intimacy, memory, and the increasingly imperiled natural world. . .American poetry sorely needs poets willing to address such large topics in a mode like this.”—Publishers Weekly
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