By Mike Myers
By Mike Myers
By Mike Myers
By Mike Myers
Category: Arts & Entertainment Biographies & Memoirs | Humor
Category: Arts & Entertainment Biographies & Memoirs | Humor
Oct 30, 2018 | ISBN 9780385689274
Oct 22, 2016 | ISBN 9780385689267
On Locations
Here I Stand
Memorial Days
Fearless and Free
From Ted to Tom: The Illustrated Envelopes of Edward Gorey
The Shrine Thief
The Way They Were
Fortune and Glory: The Musical
Difficult Lives Hitching Rides
National Bestseller
“Hilarious and insightful.” —Margaret Atwood
“Canada is not an everyday sort of book; it’s more like an encyclopedia, a conglomeration of assorted thoughts, memories and jokes, especially jokes, on the fascinating, infuriating and inescapable subject of Canada. It’s delightful.” —Robert Fulford, National Post
“Lovingly explores the nation’s quirks and strengths.” —USA Today
“Thoughtful, heartwarming, occasionally sad and at times surprisingly political . . . Canada is a memoir that doubles as a celebration of the country, chock full of personal and cultural pictures and artifacts.” —Calgary Herald
“A treasure trove of all things Canuck as Myers documents his life and offers humorous and thoughtful reflections on the country—from its history to its pop culture and unique brands.” —The Canadian Press
“In this love letter to the Great White North, [Mike Myers] fondly points out the quirks and qualities of our nation. . . . For non-Canadians, this biography-with-a-twist serves as a wry introduction to our nation; for natives, it’s a funny and heartwarmingly patriotic tribute.” —Hello
“[Mike Myers] doffs the Wayne Campbell ball cap to wear other hats in the pop-cultural book: historian, linguist, sociologist and fervid Maple Leafs fan. The creator of Austin Powers talks about multiculturalism and the CBC, Stompin’ Tom and Phil Hartman. Some parts are laugh-out-loud funny, others—such as the impact of his father’s dementia—are touching.” —Toronto Star
“Canada is a memoir of sorts, specifically exploring Myers’ relationship with our country, from his childhood to the present. . . . The book focuses on the impact that Canadian culture—from CBC to the Toronto Maple Lears to Expo 67—had on Myers’ early life, and the ways it still influences him today. Add references to the all-Canadian traits of good manners, fairness, inclusivity, self-depreciation and mellowness, and you’ve got Myers’ personal picture of Canada.” —Canadian Living
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