Sep 08, 2015 | ISBN 9781401944599
Buy the Paperback:
Spiritual Activator
A History of Ghosts, Spirits and the Supernatural
Storehouse of Treasures
Craft Your Own Magic
Angelic Activations Oracle
On Civil Disobedience
Knit it out
The Book of Forgotten Witches
A History of Ghosts, Spirits and Other Supernatural Phenomena
“You Are the Placebo is the instruction manual for how to produce miracles in your body, with your health, and in your life. It’s simply magnificent. This may be the only prescription you’ll ever require.”
— Christiane Northrup, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
“Your mind is so incredibly important to the success or failure of virtually everything you do, from relationships, school, work, and finances to overall happiness. You Are the Placebo is a powerful exploration of your most important resource and offers many practical tools to optimize your mind to enhance your overall success. I love Dr. Dispenza’s way of communicating complex ideas in a way all of us can understand and benefit from.”
— Daniel G. Amen, M.D., founder of Amen Clinics and New York Times best-selling author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and Magnificent Mind at Any Age
“From my experience with patients with life-threatening illnesses, I have learned the truth as shared in You Are the Placebo. The body experiences what the mind believes. I have learned how to deceive people into health for their benefit. Doctors can kill or cure with ‘wordswordswords’ when they become ‘swordswordswords.’ We all have the potential for self-induced healing built into us. The key is to know how to achieve your potential. Read and learn.”
— Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of A Book of Miracles and The Art of Healing
“Dr. Joe Dispenza weaves scientific studies together to come up with a true revolutionary approach to using our minds to heal our bodies. I was spellbound. Bravo!”
— Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D., author of The Intuitive Advisor and All Is Well
“The placebo effect—our response to the belief that we’ve received a catalyst for healing—has long been studied in medicine as a curious phenomenon. In his paradigm-altering book, You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza catapults us beyond thinking of the effect as an anomaly. Through 12 concise chapters that read like a true-life scientific thriller, Dispenza gives us rock-solid reasons to accept the game-changer of our lives: that the placebo effect is actually us, proving to ourselves the greatest possibilities of healing, miracles, and longevity! I love this book and look forward to a world where the secret of the placebo is the foundation of everyday life.”
— Gregg Braden, New York Times best-selling author of Deep Truth and The Divine Matrix
“Dr. Joe Dispenza is a master teacher who has the ability to explain science at a very simple level so that everyone understands.”
— don Miguel Ruiz, M.D., author of The Four Agreements
“You Are the Placebo is a must-read for anyone who wants to experience optimal health in mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Joe Dispenza dispels the myth that our health is out of our control and restores to us our power and right to expect wonderful health and well-being throughout our lives by showing us the way to create it. To read this book is to subscribe to the absolute best health insurance available in the world.”
— Sonia Choquette, Ph.D., six-sensory consultant and New York Times best-selling author of The Answer Is Simple
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