Brazil That Never Was
By A.J. Lees
By A.J. Lees
By A.J. Lees
By A.J. Lees
Category: Travel: Central & South America | World History | Biography & Memoir
Category: Travel: Central & South America | World History | Biography & Memoir
Oct 06, 2020 | ISBN 9781912559213
Oct 06, 2020 | ISBN 9781912559220
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“A. J. Lees’s new book Brazil That Never Was is an engaging treasure, urgent in its message, thrilling in its telling. His masterful tale marries the grandeur of the natural historian with the passion of the outlier poet. Like the physician Arthur Conan Doyle, and friend and fellow neurologist Oliver Sacks, Lees is a detective, tracking the mysteries of the human mind….We follow two journeys: Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett’s and Lees’s own…Lees’s eloquent tale urges: support Native peoples, protect other species, help win this battle. For soon the real tropical cornucopia of Brazil will likely be lost, as if it never was.” —Kathelin Gray, Los Angeles Review of Books
“This is a book about daydreams, melancholy and nostalgia in the very best sense. It is also a dramatic travelogue, from boyhood fantasy about an imagined Brazil to its flawed but life-transforming reality. It is a poetic meditation on time past and present, beautifully written and expertly composed.” —Andrew Hussey
“This book is about the quest for a place that, like the mythical Lake Parima on ancient maps of South America, is only an illusion. Following in the maddening footsteps of the lost explorer Percy Harrison Fawcett, Andrew Lees explores his own life, and his longing for the deepest places of the mind and the remotest places on Earth. The trip is beautiful even if, in the end, that place is nowhere to be found.” —Héctor Abad
“What begins as a personal reflection on the western world’s endless fascination with Amazonia and its mysteries, develops in a most unexpected way, as Andrew Lees’ prose becomes our Virgil, taking the reader for a leap into the unknown, way further than any other expedition has ever dreamed of.” —Ciro Guerra, director of the Academy Award–nominated Embrace of the Serpent
“Reality is no match, it seems, for the rapture of existence conveyed in a long-ago book. Dr. Lees’s own writing can be such an exercise in enthrallment. . . . sentences in Dr. Lees’s elegy for vanished youth flare up and shimmer with revelation, like lost arrowheads upturned by the plow.” —Danny Heitman, The Wall Street Journal
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