The Songbird of Hope Hill
By Kim Vogel Sawyer
By Kim Vogel Sawyer
By Kim Vogel Sawyer
By Kim Vogel Sawyer
Category: Spiritual Fiction
Category: Spiritual Fiction
Apr 09, 2024 | ISBN 9780593600818
Apr 09, 2024 | ISBN 9780593600825
No Ocean Too Wide
Forever Friday
A Sound Among the Trees
The Girl in the Glass
The Librarian of Boone’s Hollow
Thief of Glory
Where Treetops Glisten
No Journey Too Far
“In The Songbird of Hope Hill, Kim Sawyer has penned an unforgettable story of God’s grace and redemption. Birdie’s and Ephraim’s love story is a parable for the love God has for us. You’ll be thinking of these characters long after you’ve turned the last page. I know I still am.”—Kathleen Y’Barbo, Publishers Weekly bestselling author of The Black Midnight and The Bayou Nouvelle Brides
“Kim Vogel Sawyer blends affecting atmosphere, complex circumstances, challenging conflicts, and rewarding resolution in her latest historical novel, The Songbird of Hope Hill. In Birdie Clarkson, Sawyer has created that character we all yearn to comfort—the sinner who desperately craves love for her broken, humbled heart. One can’t help but to cheer for Birdie in her brave willingness to step forward into peace and freedom. This book satisfies our longing to experience again the kind of forgiveness and divine justice that only Jesus can grant.”—Trish Perry, author of The Guy I’m Not Dating
“What a precious story of God’s grace and redemption! Kim Vogel Sawyer writes with poignant precision, weaving stories with depth that draw in her readers. The Songbird of Hope Hill had my full attention from its absorbing start to its tender finish, leaving me teary-eyed—and longing for a sequel. Splendid!”—Sharlene MacLaren, author of twenty-three novels
“The Songbird of Hope Hill held my heart from the first page. Set in Texas in 1895, this touching story is about Birdie Clarkson, a good girl who was forced to make bad decisions, and Ephraim Overly, the son of a minister and his wife who want to save fallen women. That task proves to be a tough one, and secrets from the past haunt these characters like an ever-blowing prairie wind. Fans of Francine Rivers’s Redeeming Loveshould enjoy this story of redemption and one young woman’s need to find grace and forgiveness.”—Lenora Worth, author of Disappearance in Pinecraft
“Kim Vogel Sawyer’s The Songbird of Hope Hill illustrates that no matter how often or how far we fall, God is always there to help us back up. Truly nothing—nothing—can separate us from the love of God.”—Julianna Deering, author of the Drew Farthering Mystery series
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