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The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm Series

Yuki Yoshimoto and Junichi Fujisaku
The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm 5 by Junichi Fujisaku
Available on (06-17-25)

The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm 5

Book 5
Paperback $12.99

The Ghost in the Shell: The Human Algorithm Series : Titles in Order

Book 6
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

Togusa and Tsunagi are racing after a fleeing suspect when a van suddenly slams into the suspect’s car, killing the van driver instantly. As Togusa hooks into the man’s cyberbrain, he sees residual images of a group of children and a masked figure who says, “I am a warrior.” Later, an autopsy yields a shocking revelation: the driver was killed not by the collision, but by a neurotoxin derived from the venom of the African black mamba. Section 9 needs answers, so Togusa and Tsunagi get sent halfway across the world to the Sahel Special Economic Zone. What mysteries await them in the “oasis of the Sahara”?
Book 5
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

Togusa and Tsunagi set out for Africa to investigate a poisoning death at the Japanese consulate in the Sahel Special Economic Zone. Using their “honeymoon” as a cover, the two trace the black mamba snake venom used in the assassination to an oasis outside the zone that’s part of Gili tribal lands. While they’re gone, a coup rocks the Madisi Republic that governs Sahel, and General Mosey seizes control, sparking conflict with the “liberation forces” of the Gili. What does snake venom have to do with a civil war rising from the baked desert sands? That question is the key to Togusa breaking the case…
Book 4
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

Togusa and Tsunagi are racing after a fleeing suspect when a van suddenly slams into the suspect’s car, killing the van driver instantly. As Togusa hooks into the man’s cyberbrain, he sees residual images of a group of children and a masked figure who says, “I am a warrior.” Later, an autopsy yields a shocking revelation: the driver was killed not by the collision, but by a neurotoxin derived from the venom of the African black mamba. Section 9 needs answers, so Togusa and Tsunagi get sent halfway across the world to the Sahel Special Economic Zone. What mysteries await them in the “oasis of the Sahara”?
Book 3
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

Togusa and rookie operative Tsunagi of Section 9 have been sent north following reports that Major Kusanagi’s artificial body was seen in the city of Towada. Similar rumors send Batou and Ishikawa hundreds of miles south to infiltrate the ranks of a criminal organization in Okinawa. Over the course of both investigations, Section 9 learns that Hashikami and the killer known as the “White Bear” are plotting to assassinate Shinra Mikomoto, the recently elected mayor of New Port City. This news sends the scattered members of Section 9 swooping down on the city, where everything hinges on the mayor’s fate. 
Book 2
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

After hearing that the body of the presumed missing Major Kusanagi has turned up under mysterious circumstances, Section 9’s Togusa and Tsunagi take to the north to continue the search for answers. However, when their investigation into the involvement of the cultish Aterui community turns violent, the operation goes south fast as Tsunagi is taken by the shadowy and dangerous “White Bear.” Meanwhile, down south, Batou and Ishikawa end up in some hot water of their own with the Triads and their apparent involvement in the corrupt dealings of Osaki Heavy Industries… 
Book 1
This brand-new chapter fills in the gaps between The Ghost in the Shell: Human-Error Processor and Man-Machine Interface manga with a tense cyberpunk thriller written by Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex script writer Junichi Fujisaku. Just in time for the release of the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime on Netflix!

The long-awaited follow-up to The Ghost in the Shell 1.5 from acclaimed Stand Alone Complex writer Junichi Fujisaku

The 2030s–a decade of upheaval for Japan and Section 9. Recent events have left Togusa and his comrades full of scars and regrets. But the march of time can only quicken. Hackers attempt to assassinate a populist politician, and the investigation leads Batou to a suspicious factory in the artificial islands in southern Japan.
Meanwhile, Chief Aramaki hears of a disturbing discovery at the other end of the country: dozens of artificial bodies, illegally dumped near a village where an anti-cyberization sect conducts their training and rites. Among the empty shells is the unmistakable shape of the woman who embodied Section 9 until she disappeared: Major Motoko Kusanagi…

Prepare for the new Netflix anime with this manga prequel!

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