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Pharmako Series

Dale Pendell
Pharmako/Dynamis by Dale Pendell
Pharmako/Gnosis, Revised and Updated by Dale Pendell
Pharmako/Dynamis, Revised and Updated by Dale Pendell

Pharmako Series : Titles in Order

Book 3
Delving deep into the world of psychoactive plants, including ayahuasca, Pharmako/Gnosis serves as a comprehensive and standalone guide. 

Celebrated by readers as a modern classic, this is a must-have for anyone interested in the science, history, and lore of psychoactive substances.

In this third and final volume of the Pharmako trilogy, Dale Pendell embarks on a captivating journey through the botanical and cultural landscapes of a diverse array of mind-altering “teachers.” From plant-based psychedelic substances to their synthetic derivatives, Pendell illuminates each with an erudition and playful wit uniquely his own.

He delves into the worlds of traditional use and modern interpretations of substances such as:

Amanita muscariaAyahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi)Blowfish/Puffer Fish (Tetradontidae)Bufo alvariusIboga (Tabernanthe iboga)Jurema (Mimosa hostilis)KetamineKratom (Mitragynia speciosa)Mescal Bean (Sophora secundiflora)Morning Glory (Ipomoea, Rivea spp.)Peyote Psilocybe (Teonanacatl)San Pedro Cactus Tropane alkaloidsPeganum harmala
Pharmako/Gnosis offers more than a mere historical or pharmacological background of these substances. Pendell delves into the nuances of each substance’s effect on consciousness with a poetic finesse, bringing to life our profound and intricate relationship with these potent compounds. He approaches the topic with genuine curiosity, acknowledging the transformative power these substances wield over individuals, societies, and cultures. The narrative, enriched by a wealth of quotations from acclaimed writers, is as intoxicating as the substances it explores, brewing a unique literary concoction.

Taking the reader beyond the confines of traditional scientific discourse, Pendell’s distinctive narrative style weaves in personal experiences, anecdotal evidence, and a profound sense of the sacred, resulting in a reading experience that is as deeply engaging as it is informative.
Book 3
This is the third and final volume of North Atlantic Books’ hard cover edition of Dale Pendell’s Pharmako trilogy, an encyclopedic study of the history and uses of psychoactive plants and related synthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. The books form an interrelated suite of works that provide the reader with a unique, reliable, and often personal immersion in this medically, culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. All three books are beautifully designed and illustrated, and are written with unparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, and range.

Pharmako/Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path focuses on plant-based and derivative psychedelic "teachers" (including ayahuasca, peyote, LSD, and DMT) and on the "poison path" of substances such as belladonna, ketamine, and ibogaine. Each substance is explored in detail, not only with information on its history, pharmacology, preparation, and cultural and esoteric correspondences, but also the subtleties of each plant’s effect on consciousness in a way that only poets can do. The whole concoction is sprinkled with abundant quotations from famous writers, creating a literary brew as intoxicating as its subject.

The Pharmako series includes the predecessor volumes Pharmako/Poeia (which covers tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, opiates, salvia divinorum, and other substances) and Pharmako/Dynamis (focusing on stimulants and empathogens).
Book 2
Dive into the potent world of plant-based stimulants and empathogens with Pharmako/Dynamis—Volume 2 of Dale Pendell’s authoritative Pharmako trilogy.

Embark on an enriching journey through nature’s stimulants—and our complex relationship with them—in Pharmako/Dynamis: Stimulating Plants, Potions, and Herbcraft. Pendell’s poetic narrative expertly weaves together scientific understanding and enchanting literature, making this book an enticing read for enthusiasts, herbalists, and psychonauts alike. 

Readers will delve deeper into the fascinating universe of psychoactive plants, investigating a variety of stimulants and empathogens, each with its own unique history, usage, and cultural significance:

AmphetaminesBetel (Areca catechu)ChocolateCoca (Erythroxylum coca)CoffeeKhat (Catha edulis)Kola (Kola nitida)Ma huang (Ephedra)MDMA (Ecstasy)TeaAnd more

The book explores these substances in detail and more, offering a profound understanding of their impact and roles. With an engaging blend of scientific knowledge, historical context, and spiritual insights, Pendell presents a meticulously detailed study of each psychoactive substance. His authoritative and delightfully playful voice elucidates not just the pharmacological aspects, but also the subtle effects of these substances on human consciousness.

This volume is more than just a resource; it’s a thrilling voyage into the intricate dance between humans and the psychoactive plant kingdom.
Book 2
This is the second volume of North Atlantic Books’ hard cover edition of Dale Pendell’s Pharmako trilogy, an encyclopedic study of the history and uses of psychoactive plants and related synthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. The books form an interrelated suite of works that provide the reader with a unique, reliable, and often personal immersion in this medically, culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. All three books are beautifully designed and illustrated, and are written with unparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, and range.

Pharmako/Dynamis: Stimulating Plants, Potions, and Herbcraft focuses on stimulants (including coffee, tea, chocolate, and coca and its derivatives) and empathogens (notably Ecstasy). Each substance is explored in detail, not only with information on its history, pharmacology, preparation, and cultural and esoteric correspondences, but also the subtleties of each plant’s effect on consciousness in a way that only poets can do. The whole concoction is sprinkled with abundant quotations from famous writers, creating a literary brew as intoxicating as its subject.

The Pharmako series also includes Pharmako/Poeia (which covers tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, opiates, salvia divinorum, and other substances) and Pharmako/Gnosis (which addresses psychedelics and shamanic plants).
Book 1
Immerse yourself in the fascinating universe of psychoactive plants with Volume 1 of Dale Pendell’s celebrated Pharmako trilogy

The bestselling magical fusion of science, poetry, history, and philosophy

In this updated paperback edition of the first volume of Dale Pendell’s renowned Pharmako trilogy, readers are welcomed on an absorbing journey through the history and applications of psychoactive plants and their synthetic equivalents. Including a new introduction from the author, the book brilliantly merges factual information, historical context, cultural observations, and spiritual insights, all in a voice that is both authoritative and whimsical.

Pendell offers in-depth examination of substances including:
Absinthe Aqua VitaeBeerCalea zacatechichiHeroinKava kava MarijuanaNitrous OxideOpiumSka Pastora (diviner’s sage)TobaccoWineAnd more 
The examination covers their history, pharmacology, preparation methods, cultural and esoteric connections, and impacts on human consciousness. Pendell presents this study with the sensitivity of a poet, emphasizing not only the concrete facts but also the nuanced implications of each substance’s interaction with the human psyche.

Enriched with quotations from celebrated writers, the book serves as a captivating literary concoction that blends science, art, and spirituality, transforming a complex subject into a mesmerizing narrative. The blend of poetic and erudite writing in Pendell’s style engages the reader’s imagination while being firmly anchored in rigorous research and factual data.

More than an instructive guide on psychoactive plants and synthetics, Pharmako/Poeia: Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft is a revealing exploration of the ties between human consciousness and nature’s own chemical elixirs. It stands as an indispensable read for those with interest in ethnobotany, herbal medicine, or simply the intriguing interplay between humans and the plant kingdom.

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