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The Spellbook LIbrary

Uta Isaki
The Spellbook Library 2 by Uta Isaki
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The Spellbook Library 2

Book 2
Paperback $13.99

The Spellbook LIbrary : Titles in Order

Book 3
Spellbook librarians protect townsfolk from dangerous spellbeasts, sealing them in spellbooks that hold more than just magic, in this smart new fantasy series from the creator of Is Love the Answer? and Sayabito: Swords of Destiny, perfect for fans of Cardcaptor Sakura, and Witch Hat Atelier!

A Kodansha Reader Portal Series: Made in Japan, published first in English!

“I don’t need permission to take what’s mine.”

Under the tutelage of Ruslan, the former captain of the Spellbook Library’s specialized sealing unit, Tohru and Yan begin honing their skills in sealing spellbeasts—with the ultimate goal of rescuing Shiro’s full form from the confines of the Spellbook Library’s shelves. But how are two library newbies supposed to compete against the Library’s entire sealing unit…?! Then, when a mysterious, powerful spellbeast the likes of which no one has ever seen appears in the capital, the public relations department joins forces with the specialized sealing unit to investigate the matter. But Adil, the captain of the specialized sealing unit, seems to have his own agenda…

A Kodansha Reader Portal Series: Made in Japan, published first in English!
Book 2
Spellbook librarians protect townsfolk from dangerous spellbeasts, sealing them in spellbooks that hold more than just magic, in this smart new fantasy series from the creator of Is Love the Answer? and Sayabito: Swords of Destiny, perfect for fans of Cardcaptor Sakura, and Witch Hat Atelier!

A Kodansha Reader Portal Series: Made in Japan, published first in English!

“That’s the reason why I came to the Spellbook Library…”

After passing the Spellbook Library’s rigorous entrance exam, Yan and Tohru are sorted amongst the library’s ranks–and are assigned to the public relations department working under Emel. But the two boys barely manage to get themselves settled when a powerful, evil spellbeast is released from its spellbook! The group manages to seal the spellbeast in the nick of time, but their victory only leads to more questions: Just what lies inside the spellbook necklace Tohru used to save them, and can Yan and Emel still trust him? In order to regain his friends’ trust, Tohru reveals the secrets from his mysterious past–including his relationship with the strange spellbeast, Shiro…

A Kodansha Reader Portal Series: Made in Japan, published first in English!
Book 1
Spellbook librarians protect townsfolk from dangerous spellbeasts, sealing them in spellbooks that hold more than just magic, in this smart new fantasy series from the creator of Is Love the Answer? and Sayabito: Swords of Destiny, perfect for fans of Cardcaptor Sakura, and Witch Hat Atelier!

A Kodansha Reader Portal Series: Made in Japan, published first in English!

When he was a child, troublemaker Yan was attacked by a ferocious spellbeast…until he was rescued by a group of Spellbook librarians. Inspired by the librarians’ heroic efforts, Yan vows to turn over a new leaf and become a Spellbook librarian to repay their kindness. On the day of his employment exam, he meets Tohru, a mysterious young boy who has his own reasons for wanting to work at the library. Together, Yan and Tohru set off and join the ranks of the Spellbook Library, and begin the long journey to learn just what it takes to become a Spellbook librarian!

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