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Love, Work, Children Reader’s Guide

By Cheryl Mendelson

Love, Work, Children by Cheryl Mendelson


Questions and Topics for Discussion

1. Why does Peter think he has to stay married to Lesley? Can you defend
his thinking?

2. Some characters in the book choose meaningful work over money or
status, and some make the opposite choice. How important is it to
have work you believe in?

3. What do you think is Peter’s biggest flaw? What does he think it is?

4. Do you think it’s typical for siblings to be as different as Susan and
Louis are? Do you know any siblings who, like them, were raised by
their parents to be so different?

5. Why does Susan think she has to stay married to Chris? Is Susan

6. How do you react to Alexei’s unrealistic self-confidence?

7. What makes Louis a sympathetic character? What are his negative

8. Does Mallory make a bad decision when she refuses to get involved
with Alexei?

9. Do Mallory’s parents practice the values they preach?

10. Louis tells Mallory he wants to marry her before they have a single
date. Do you think he is really in love with her at this point? Why
do you think he gets interested in Mallory at the age of thirtytwo—
after knowing her most of his life?

11. Why does Hilda play roles?

12. Which characters in the book are snobs? What are they snobbish
about—for example, money, art, social background, or academic or
professional status? Cheryl Mendelson seems to think that snobs
destroy the things they’re snobbish about. Do you agree?

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