Swami and Friends, The Bachelor of Arts, The Dark Room, The English Teacher
By R. K. Narayan
Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith
By R. K. Narayan
Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith
By R. K. Narayan
Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith
By R. K. Narayan
Introduction by Alexander McCall Smith
Part of Everyman's Library Contemporary Classics Series
Part of Everyman's Library Contemporary Classics Series
Category: Classic Fiction | Literary Fiction
Category: Classic Fiction | Literary Fiction
Mar 07, 2006 | ISBN 9781400044764
Jun 03, 2009 | ISBN 9780307498137
The Hero And the Blues
The Best Early Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
This Side of Paradise
All of Us
The Old Wives’ Tale
Venice Stories
Wordsworth: Poems
The Four Seasons
Stories of Books and Libraries
“There are writers–Tolstoy and Henry James to name two–whom we hold in awe, writers–Turgenev and Chekhov–for whom we feel a personal affection, other writers whom we respect–Conrad for example–but who hold us at a long arm’s length with their ‘courtly foreign grace.’ Narayan (whom I don’t hesitate to name in such a context) more than any of them wakes in me a spring of gratitude, for he has offered me a second home. Without him I could never have known what it is like to be Indian.” –Graham Greene
“[The English Teacher is] an idyll as delicious as anything I have met in modern literature for a long time. The atmosphere and texture of happiness, and, above all, its elusiveness, have seldom been so perfectly transcribed.” –Elizabeth Bowen
“Narayan’s humour and compassion come from a deep universal well, with the result that he has transformed his imaginary township of Malgudi into a bubbling parish of the world.” –The Observer
“The first writer of his kind…A more accurate guide to modern India than the intellectually more ambitious writers of recent years.” –Pankaj Mishra, The New York Review of Books.
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