The Illuminated Rumi
By Jalal Al-Din Rumi
Translated by Coleman Barks
Contributions by Michael Green
By Jalal Al-Din Rumi
Translated by Coleman Barks
Contributions by Michael Green
Category: Poetry | Philosophy | Spiritual Nonfiction
Oct 13, 1997 | ISBN 9780767900027
Buy the Hardcover:
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"Rumi has, to the recent amazement of many people in the Western culture as well as the Islamic culture, been able to speak directly to contemporary readers. One of the greatest pieces of good luck that has happened recently in American poetry is Coleman Barks’s agreement to translate poem after poem of Rumi. Rumi, like Kabir, is able to contain and continue intricate theological arguments and at the same time speak directly from the heart or to the heart. Coleman’s exquisite sensitivity to the flavor and turns of ordinary American speech has produced marvelous lines, full of flavor and Sufi humor, as well as the intimacy that is carried inside American speech at its best."
–Robert Bly
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