Nov 08, 2005 | ISBN 9781400044184
Buy the Hardcover:
Three Filipino Women
Chasing the Last Laugh
Black Shack Alley
John Maynard Keynes
The Geographical History of America
John Barleycorn
Merchant, Soldier, Sage
I Am Dynamite!
Praise for On Looking
“Some of these essays are marvelous examples of critical explanation, in which the psychological concerns of the novelist drive the eye from work to work in an exhibition until a deep understanding of the art emerges.” —The New York Times Book Review
“These are remarkably elegant little essays, dense in thought and perception but offhandedly casual in style. Their brevity makes more acute the sense of regret one feels to see them end.” —Newsday
Table Of Contents
Introduction: An Oil on Canvas
The American Face [Portraits]
Nature His Only Instructor [John Singleton Copley]
“O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” [Nineteenth-Century Landscapes]
Heade Storms [Martin Johnson Heade]
Epic Homer [Winslow Homer]
The Ache in Eakins [Thomas Eakins]
Whistler in the Dark [James McNeill Whistler]
“Better Than Nature” [Albert Pinkham Ryder]
Walls That Talk too Much [Impressionists and Realists]
Street Arab [Childe Hassam]
Evangel of the Lens [Alfred Stieglitz]
“A Lone Left Thing” [Marsden Hartley]
O Pioneer! [Arthur Dove]
Two Takes on Hopper [Edward Hopper]
Logic Is Beautiful [Elie Nadelman]
Jackson Whole [Jackson Pollock]
Iconic Andy [Andy Warhol]
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