Dec 14, 2010 | ISBN 9780345525093
Dec 14, 2010 | ISBN 9780345525109
Q&A a Day for Kids
What Matters Most
Carpe Every Diem
The Best Book of Useless Information Ever
Known and Unknown
Contemporary Celtic Crochet
I Tried Until I Almost Died
In Their Own Way
Notes to Self
“Erin Bried can build a fire, thanks to grandpa.”—USA Today
“A step-by-step guide to (almost) everything the hard-working, self-sufficient Greatest Generation learned about life and living.”—Chicago Tribune
“Don’t pass up How to Build a Fire…it’s [full of] knowledge our grandfathers seem to possess in abundance – life skills that made them such stand-up guys.”—The Houston Chronicle
“How To Build a Fire is fascinating, humbling and humorous.”—The Chicago Sun-Times
“Erin Bried can help you nail certain tasks.”—The New York Daily News
“How to Build a Fire is a succinct life-skills book filled with humor and wisdom…useful for both men and women….It’s a quick, useful guide with a touch of nostalgia.”—Library Journal
“How to Build a Fire takes readers back to basics by championing more than 100 practical life skills. All of them are guaranteed for life, but are especially valuable during an economic recession.”—Book Page
“How to Build a Fire offers sound advice on manual jobs and also gives lessons on more subtle skills.”—Boston Globe
“How to Build a Fire makes a lovely stocking stuffer by a roaring fire.”—SELF magazine
“Our elders could still teach us a lot—and you’ll find it all in How to Build a Fire by Erin Bried. It demystifies stuff like making ice cream (yay!) and playing dominoes. Your kids will think you’re the coolest.”—Parenting magazine
“Although her book touches on the sacrifices of the “Greatest Generation,” Bried’s How to Build a Fire is a companion piece to Tom Brokaw’s 1998 book. The former newscaster’s book lauds the efforts of the people who grew up during the Depression and saved the world by winning World War II. Bried’s book acknowledges those efforts – eight of the 10 grandfathers served in the war – but she lets them teach lessons big and small.”—Stockton Record
“How to Build a Fire is a practical guide to all those things you always meant to learn, from breaking in a baseball mitt to writing a love letter — and being a role model for your kids.”—St Petersburg Times
“How many times have you wished your grandfather were still around to give you some priceless advice?”—Tulsa World
“…Fun to read. More importantly, it’s the perfect gift, birthday or otherwise, for grandchildren of any age, or even their parents! After all, you can only learn just so much on the Internet.”—Monterey County Herald
“If How to Build a Fire is anything like How to Sew a Button, then it will be a great gift for any young adult in your life, male or female. Because honestly, we should all know how to sew on a button and build a fire. Just in case…”—Frederick News Post
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