Your Money or Your Life
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Read by Vicki Robin
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Read by Vicki Robin
Foreword by Mr. Money Mustache
Category: Personal Finance | Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Category: Personal Finance | Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Category: Personal Finance | Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Audiobooks
Dec 10, 2008 | ISBN 9780143115762
Dec 10, 2008 | ISBN 9781101539705
Jun 26, 2018 | ISBN 9781984837721
681 Minutes
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“The best book on money period.” -Grant Sabatier, founder of “Millennial Money,” on CNBC Make It
“This is a wonderful book. It can really change your life.” -Oprah
“The seminal guide to the new morality of personal money management.” -Los Angeles Times
“Vicki Robin wrote the book on retiring happy. Now a whole new generation is taking her advice. [She is] the millenial money whisperer.” –Money Magazine
“Your Money or Your Life is a wise book…I am thankful to Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin for getting so much of this started, as are countless thousands of other people who are now more free than they could have otherwise been.” -Mr. Money Moustache
“Now as never before, it’s time to stop trying to ‘get ahead’ in a race that both fixed and futile, and figure out how to organize your life so that it can be your life. Your one precious life, lived for yourself and for your community and for your planet. Your Money or Your Life shows you how to make the shift.” -Bill McKibben
“If you want to invest in your financial future and (more importantly) your long-term happiness, I can’t think of a better investment than Your Money or Your Life.” —Brandon Ganch, “Mad Fientist”
“Vicki Robin’s Your Money or Your Life offers readers the gift of meaningful, applicable advice so that they can achieve true financial independence on their terms. It is deservedly one of the most acclaimed and referenced financial advice books of our time and will undoubtedly continue that legacy for generations.” — Farnoosh Torabi, bestselling financial author and host of the award-winning podcast So Money
“[Your Money or Your Life] changed my life…I started believing that my life controlled my money. I began to see my life without the weight of debt and the need to chase a paycheck because I actually understood the path to get there.” -Trent Hamm, “The Simple Dollar”
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