Mar 22, 2016 | ISBN 9780771048036
Mar 22, 2016 | ISBN 9780771048043
Devotions: A Read with Jenna Pick
No Fault
The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+
Presidents at War
The Age of Electroacoustics
This American Ex-Wife
• “[Lilburn’s work] is astounding in its use of language. Image layered on image – and the force of that layering – creates, in the reader, a fusion of excitement and alienation that can be transformative.” —The Antigonish Review
• “For decades, poet Tim Lilburn has sung songs of praise and moans of loss for the natural world, while grappling with the ultimate failure of words to render the divinity of the natural order. . . . [Lilburn has] thrilled readers with the jagged aggression that spikes his ecstatic visions. . . . His turns of phrase can be breathtaking.” —Globe and Mail
• “Lilburn stands in awe of, and has come as close as humanly possible to capturing, the magnitude and magnificence of creation.” —Arc Poetry Magazine
• “Striking and original. . . . [Lilburn captures] the mystical and ecstatic moments when self and world are united.” —Booklist
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