May 10, 2016 | ISBN 9781909263857 | 3-5 years
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[…] the connection of the senses does work very well poetically, and this text accompanied by the author’s stylized illustrations should limber up even the most sluggish imaginations.
—Kirkus Reviews
“Originally published in 1959, Ms. Borten’s beautiful, vintage artwork adds texture to the basics: lines, color, and shape, whether it’s by adding swirls to an ocean full of fish or wispy, thin spider webs above the thick bars of a lion’s cage. Ms. Borten artwork and evocative text inspires children to see the world around them “as a great big painting, full of lines and shapes and colors, to look at and enjoy”. This is a great book to read out loud, then talk about the different sounds and feelings kids associate with them.”
—Books for Kids
“the book is beautiful, the text is lovely—Borten’s technique is to represent sound—or rather the feeling of sound (which is to say, the feeling of the feeling of sound) through language and art.”
“Do You Hear What I Hear? is a lovely introduction to sounds and how they intertwine so readily with emotions. Borten’s poetic, appropriately rhythmic text, paired with the playful, energetic, color-soaked illustrations are just perfect for making the abstract nature of music nearly tangible.”
—Avid Bookshop
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