Dancing with History
By George Lakey
By George Lakey
By George Lakey
By George Lakey
Category: Political Figure Biographies & Memoirs
Category: Political Figure Biographies & Memoirs
Dec 06, 2022 | ISBN 9781644212356
Dec 06, 2022 | ISBN 9781644212363
Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
Major Corrections
Can’t Is Not an Option
My Country, Africa
I Will Scream to the World
Street Fighting Years
I, Rigoberta Menchú
“George Lakey stands out for the sheer range of his contributions to peace and justice, especially in strategy and theory, organizing, innovative and risky actions, and teaching and training others. His upbeat, soul-driven spirit underlies it all, as you’ll catch in this revealing memoir.”
—Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. military analyst who released The Pentagon Papers in 1971, peace activist and author
“Almost no one I can think of has made better use of their time on earth—and George Lakey just keeps going. This book is equal parts illuminating and inspiring!”
—Bill McKibben, author of The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back at His Suburban Boyhood and Wonders What the Hell Happened
“This is a rare memoir that not only engages the reader, but forces one to think about how we can be more effective agents for change. Lakey was well ahead of his time on many of the seminal political struggles since the 1950s, but he repeatedly emphasizes that being right is not enough—you also have to think strategically. For example, while committed to pacifism as a personal ethic, he also acknowledges the critical importance of recognizing the strategic advantages of nonviolent action. And his stories underscore the importance that nonviolent action campaigns be as well-planned, creative, and tactical as military or electoral campaigns.” —Stephen Zunes, The Progressive
“I have been waiting for years for George Lakey to write a memoir. Now it has arrived, and we are blessed with his reflections on a career that weaves through an improbably expansive list of the last century’s major social movements, recounting George’s contributions to civil rights, anti-war, pro-democracy, LGBTQ liberation, labor, and environmental causes. This book is a marvelous account of a life filled with organizing for peace, justice, and freedom. It has been well worth the wait.”
—Mark Engler, journalist and co-author of This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century
“George Lakey is a national treasure, whom I met when I was 22. Dancing with George was a blast. His unstoppable, thoughtful, contagious approach to democratic action has inspired my life’s work. It’s a story Americans need now more than ever.” —Frances Moore Lappé, author, Diet for a Small Planet, Director, Small Planet Institute
“George Lakey’s memoir is an epic of the personal in flow with the political – a dance with history indeed! As such, it is an outstanding example in the rich tradition of Quaker spiritual autobiography.” — Doug Gwyn, author of A Sustainable Life: Quaker Faith & Practice in the Renewal of Creation
“Dancing with History packs a powerful, honest, and deeply personal account of George Lakey’s remarkable life and legacy of family building and movement building, honoring identity and liberation for all, ‘raising the temperature’ on what it means to live a life of social action and bearing witness. This book is a stunning testimonial, like walking through a historical landscape of a life of turning courageously to meet what’s next.” —Valerie Brown, writer, Buddhist-Quaker Dharma teacher, leadership coach, and facilitator
“It is hard to express the depth of gratitude I have for the elders of social movements—people who have committed their lifetimes to cultivating the skills, frameworks, ideas, and ideologies that provide the foundation for activism today. George Lakey stands tall among these leaders. He will, I believe, go down as one of the great elders of the American radical democratic tradition. George is an expert in both building prefigurative community and planning strategic action. He is a master of pedagogy and a core resource for organizers thinking about how to train social movement participants. Countless grassroots leaders throughout the country are honored to claim him as a mentor. George provides a model of radical living—of how to sustain a life of commitment. His story is wonderfully presented in this autobiography.” —Paul Engler, Director, Center for the Working Poor in Los Angeles, co-founder, Momentum Training, co-author, This Is An Uprising.
“George Lakey shows us how to ignite positive change in the face of adversity. He weaves in passion, creativity, faith, and even humor. An inspiring read for our moment.” —Dave Bleakney, Education Director for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers
“George is a true elder, one who shows up to support the diverse, youth-led nonviolent direct action campaigns of today.” —Sarah Nahar, scholar/activist, interspiritual theologian, direct action trainer
“George Lakey is a hero, but not the kind that wears a cape or stands on mountaintops declaring victory. He’s one of those quiet, tireless heroes who doesn’t think of himself as a hero. George is simply living his life the way he knows a life should be lived—steadily, lovingly, bravely, joyfully, honestly, and with an absolutely unmatchable excitement for life. He has spent his life fighting for freedom—for himself and for all of us—and this book, full of adventures and lessons, is still only a snapshot of that, but more than enough to remind us of what is important: That we can be heroes too.” —Yotam Marom, facilitator, organizer, and writer
“George reminds us that ‘you can’t beat somebody with nobody’ and he has been a somebody for countless justice, peace and social movements. This book invites action rooted in deep listening, inserted in community, and inspired by love.”
—Kathi Bentall, retreat facilitator and spiritual director, Rivendell Retreat Centre, Bowen Island, Canada
“This is a rare memoir that not only engages the reader, but forces one to think about how we can be more effective agents for change. Lakey was well ahead of his time on many of the seminal political struggles since the 1950s, but he repeatedly emphasizes that being right is not enough—you also have to think strategically. For example, while committed to pacifism as a personal ethic, he also acknowledges the critical importance of recognizing the strategic advantages of nonviolent action. And his stories underscore the importance that nonviolent action campaigns be as well-planned, creative, and tactical as military or electoral campaigns.” —Stephen Zunes, The Progressive
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