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Isha, Unscripted Reader’s Guide

By Sajni Patel

Isha, Unscripted by Sajni Patel


Reader’s Guide
Isha, Unscripted by Sajni Patel
Discussion Questions:

1. Isha is twenty-eight years old and finds herself without sufficient income in an inflated city, which forces her to move back home. While it isn’t unusual for unmarried children to live at home in the Indian culture, this opens up issues around boundaries. Isha finds herself succumbing to her parents’ pressure on finding a “real job” and is unable to stand up to them. Why do you think this is?

2. Are Isha’s parents justified in pushing her to find a job, any job, despite what she wants in a career? Are they justified in how they push her? Do you think this comes from a place of love?

3. We often hear about close sibling bonds, particularly with sisters, but what about close cousin bonds? Are you close with your cousin(s)?

4. Isha is an adult, but her parents often view her as a child, and even more so given her situation and what is expected of her. Do you feel this worry over one’s child is normal for parents? If so, to what extent?

5. Isha is driven by desperation early on. Have you found yourself in similar situations where you were willing to take a leap of faith, no matter how wild? What were the results?

6. Have you ever had dreams you wanted so badly that not reaching them hurt? If so, did you continue pursuing those dreams?

7. Tarik witnesses some of Isha’s worst moments. What do you think makes him want to know more about her instead of turning his back on her?

8. Tarik has found success in his pursuits and appreciates the support he’s received along the way, as well as acknowledging those who didn’t support him. Do you think this is why he encourages and supports Isha with her dreams?

9. Do you think Isha and her parents will ever come to terms with her final decisions in the book?

10. Have you ever met a celebrity? Which celebrity would you want to meet?
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