Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill
By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria Degaetano
By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria Degaetano
Category: Domestic Politics
Nov 04, 2009 | ISBN 9780307429452
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The goal of this book is to make people aware of what the prolific use of violence in television, movies, and video games is doing to our children. Teaching Our Kids to Kill calls to the table the makers of this violence to address the myriad scientific research on the subject–research that couldn’t make it clearer how solid and deadly the link is between this kind of graphic imagery and the escalating incidences of youth violence–and understand and change what they are doing and the dangerous effects their products are having on our children.
Using this book, parents, educators, social service workers, youth advocates, and anyone interested in the welfare of our children will have a solid foundation for effective action. We give you the facts–what’s behind the statistics, how to interpret the copious, empirical research that exists on the subject, and the many ways to make a difference in your own home, at school, in your community, in the courts, and in the larger world–so that we all can work together to help end this problem and create a safer environment in which to live. If by doing this we can prevent future Paducahs, Jonesboros, and Littletons, it will be well worth it.
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Gloria DeGaetano
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