Nov 10, 2020 | ISBN 9781465491398
Buy the Paperback:
Talk to Me
Homes for Living
The World After Gaza
Musashi (New Edition)
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A Theory of Everyone
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Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
“[The Big Ideas Simply Explained books] are beautifully illustrated with shadow-like cartoons that break down even the most difficult concepts so they are easier to grasp. These step-by-step diagrams are an incredibly clever learning device to include, especially for visual learners.” — Examiner.com
“The visual layout promotes browsing with illustrations, pull quotes, and simple mind maps to explain concepts quickly.” — Library Journal
“Accessible guide to the great thinkers.” — School Library Journal
“Clever and engaging.” — Booklist
“Kids are never too young to understand history; it just needs to be presented in the appropriate way. With that in mind, The History Book is a fantastic place to start.” — GeekDad.com
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