The Devil's Evidence
By Simon Kurt Unsworth
By Simon Kurt Unsworth
By Simon Kurt Unsworth
By Simon Kurt Unsworth
Part of Thomas Fool Series
Part of Thomas Fool Series
Category: Crime Fiction | Gothic & Horror
Category: Crime Fiction | Gothic & Horror
Jun 13, 2017 | ISBN 9780804172936
Jul 05, 2016 | ISBN 9780385539371
Uncle Silas
Introducing Garrett, P.I.
Night Child
Anna Karenina: The Screenplay
The Sea-Wolf and Selected Stories
Mucho Mojo
Captains Outrageous
Infernal Affairs
“A grim yet terribly fun version of Hell. . . . [Unsworth’s] prose resembles a Baroque-era Caravaggio painting of a Grand Guignol landscape of filth and depravity.” —The Rumpus
“Unsworth has built a very horrible, yet believable universe with characters who you can hate as well as root for. While you don’t need to read the first novel to enjoy the second in the series, we really do recommend you start at the beginning. There’s a lot to take in and a great deal of character development to enjoy. A real page turner.” —Starburst Magazine
“Strange and beautiful. . . . Unsworth captures the tone and weary, wounded voice of the best noir detectives.” —Fantasy Literature
“Very clever and very sharply written—an obvious crossover with appeal to both mystery and science-fiction readers.” –Booklist
“Unsworth’s conception of a spiritual universe where deeper understanding may itself be the greatest curse is as nuanced and ingenious as his depiction of “poor little Fool,” perhaps the most oddly endearing sleuth to come along in years…Thomas Fool will return, with more respect from readers than from his spiritual jailers. It’s less a whodunit than a ripsnorter, with an emphasis on the ripping. Or maybe the snorting.” —Kirkus
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