Dec 06, 2022 | ISBN 9780593536049
The End of the Moment We Had
A Time Outside This Time
Acts of Forgiveness
The Patrick Melrose Novels
The Wolf Tree
Three Days in June
Looking for You
“A beguiling, surpassingly strange novel by the renowned—and decidedly idiosyncratic—author of Blood Meridian (1982) and The Road (2006)… It’s all vintage McCarthy, if less bloody than much of his work: Having logged time among scientists as a trustee at the Santa Fe Institute, he’s now more interested in darting quarks than exploding heads…Plenty of his trademark themes and techniques are in evidence, from conspiracy theories…and shocking behavior…to flights of beautiful language…Enigmatic, elegant, extraordinary: a welcome return after a too-long absence.”
—Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review
“[Stella Maris is] a companion to McCarthy’s The Passenger that both supplements and subverts it…Enigmatic…A grand puzzle, and grandly written at that, about shattered psyches and illicit dreams.”
—Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review
“A rich story of an underachieving salvage diver in 1980 New Orleans… This thriller narrative is intertwined with the story of Western’s sister, Alicia… He dazzles with his descriptions of a beautifully broken New Orleans… The book’s many pleasures will leave readers aching for the final installment.”
—Publishers Weekly
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