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Moby-Dick Reader’s Guide

By Herman Melville

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

Moby-Dick Reader’s Guide

By Herman Melville

Category: Classic Fiction | Literary Fiction


Questions and Topics for Discussion

1. What is the significance of the whale? What do you think Melville intends in developing such a vicious antagonism between Ahab and the whale?

2. How does the presence of Queequeg, particularly his status as a "savage," inform the novel? How does Melville depict this cultural clash?

3. How does whaling as an industry function metaphorically throughout the novel? Where does man fit in in this scenario?

4. Melville explores the divide between evil and virtue, justice and vengeance throughout the novel. What, ultimately, is his conclusion? What is Ahab’s?

5. What do you think of the role, if any, played by religion in the novel? Do you think religious conventions are replaced or subverted in some way? Discuss.

6. Discuss the novel’s philosophical subtext. How does this contribute to the basic plot involving Ahab’s search for the whale? Is this Ishmael’s purpose in the novel?

7. Discuss the role of women in the novel. What does their conspicuous absence mean in the overall context of the novel?

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