Casi una Mujer / Almost a Woman
By Esmeralda Santiago
By Esmeralda Santiago
Category: Spanish Language Nonfiction
Sep 07, 1999 | ISBN 9780375705267
Buy the Paperback:
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Almanaque de la bruja tradicional: Rituales, magia y folklore a lo largo del año / Traditional Witch’s Almanac: Rituals, magic and folklore throughout the ye
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Esperanza. La autobiografía: Memorias del papa Francisco / Hope
"A courageous memoir…One witnesses the blessings, contradictions, and restraints of Puerto Rican culture." —The Washington Post Book World
"Richly evocative…[Santiago has] the skill to render the most minute details of her before and after lives." —The Los Angeles Times
"Santiago writes with a flair for detail, humor, and complex emotion that draws readers into a delightful…if sometimes heart breaking, personal journey." —The Orlando Sentinel
"A universal tale…made special by Santiago’s simplicity and honesty." —Miami Herald
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