Dreams in a Time of War
By Ngugi wa Thiong’o
By Ngugi wa Thiong’o
By Ngugi wa Thiong’o
By Ngugi wa Thiong’o
Category: Biography & Memoir | African World History | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Category: Biography & Memoir | African World History | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Mar 08, 2011 | ISBN 9780307476210
Mar 09, 2010 | ISBN 9780307378958
China in Ten Words
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands
Days of Rage
The Cosmography and Geography of Africa
Zohar: The Book of Splendor
Her Dream of Dreams
The Georgetown Set
The War Lover
“A testament to the resilience of youth and the strength of hope. . . . Vividly evokes the colonial era as experienced by Africans, and the resulting clash of cultures that produced one of the most significant African writers of our time. . . . Ngũgĩ’s greatest literary achievement in this book is to re-create, with almost uncanny success, how the world looked through mid-century African eyes.”
—The Boston Globe
“Eye-opening. . . . The work Ngũgĩ offers us here is like nothing that’s gone before. . . . There is a startling similarity between [Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father] and . . . Ngũgĩ’s eye-opening memoir. . . . It is admirably free of cant or sentimentality, and yet it is enough to make you weep.”
—The Washington Post
“Startling, vivid. . . . Inspiring. . . . Whether recalling joyful or challenging times, Ngũgĩ displays a plainspoken yet beautiful prose style. . . . Ngũgĩ’s inspiring story is a testament to his extraordinary resilience and stubborn refusal to surrender his dreams.”
—Christian Science Monitor
“Absorbing. . . . Infused with a child’s curiosity and wonder, this book is deeply touching in its revelation of a whole community’s stake in nurturing a writer.”
—The Guardian (London)
“Gives its readers an unforgettable sense of another time, a country and a continent in the middle of change. A small child learns to hold onto his dreams, even in a time of war.”
—Los Angeles Times
“Luminously evokes Kenya on the cusp of independence. . . . [This] memoir is suffused with affecting evocations of time and place, as well as a touching reminder that dreams can come true.”
—Richmond Times Dispatch
“Ngũgĩ has been a key figure in Kenya’s modern history, both as a writer and as a model for political engagement, and his three-volume memoir will serve as an important record of the country and the life.”
—Irish Times
“Crisp, clearly told. . . . A fascinating look at twentieth-century African history, but also a moving intellectual odyssey in which Ngũgĩ learns to revere both modernity and tradition but to reserve a healthy skepticism of both.”
“Ngũgĩ has returned to his roots to produce something delicate, fresh and scrupulously honest.”
—The Spectator
“Richly drawn. . . . A coming-of-age tale, gripping, endearing, shocking and funny by turns. . . . The surprise about Dreams in a Time of War is that, for all the provocation of history, and for all its clear-eyed evocation of an agonised time, it is not an angry book. . . . Ngũgĩ’s storyteller’s instinct for character and place, for recurring motifs and telling symbols, triumphs over the bleakness of background.”
—The Scotsman
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