Aug 07, 2012 | ISBN 9780307884893
yes I said yes I will Yes.
Be Still and Know
The New World
De Anima (On the Soul)
Reading Black, Reading Feminist
Revelations of Divine Love
Beer in the Snooker Club
Contemporary American Poetry
Selected Poems of Herman Melville
Praise from the UK for Silver
“Elegant, affectionate homage to Robert Louis Stevenson … A piece of writing born of genuine love and respect for the original.”
—The Sunday Times
“Deeply pleasing and convivial. . . . As with Treasure Island, Silver is left open to the possibility of its own sequel, and surely no one would wish Motion to swallow the anchor.”
—The Guardian
“[Silver] reeks of authenticity, cunning, intrigue, suspense and adventure. It’s brilliant, and for all ages.”
—Daily Mirror
“[Motion] reinvents Stevenson’s world to reveal its dark underside, illuminating both its mysterious beauty and its grim immortality. . . . Stands in its own right as a companion volume to a literary classic”
—The Observer
“[An] elegant, thrilling sequel. . . . Motion’s prose, vivid and glowingly poetic, is a brilliant counterpoint to the fascinating action.”
—The Daily Mail
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