The Carpenter's Gift
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
By David Rubel
Illustrated by Jim LaMarche
Sep 27, 2011 | ISBN 9780375869228 | 5-9 years
Sep 27, 2011 | ISBN 9780375989339 | 5-8 years
Sep 27, 2011 | ISBN 9780375980671 | 5-8 years
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Review, The Horn Book, November/December 2011
“Rubel’s story of compassion hits all the right holiday notes; LaMarche’s lush, warm illustrations of glowing Christmas trees and smiling, caring characters drive home the central message of charity.”
Review, School Library Journal, October 1, 2011
“Detailed characterizations and a straightforward tone keep the tender tale from becoming saccharine. LaMarche’s almost impressionistic colored-pencil illustrations put readers in the midst of the action.”
Review, Publishers Weekly, September 26, 2011
“Author/historian Rubel’s story of a Depression-era family’s connection to that first tree—and the ripple effect of its bounties—puts the now magnificent symbol in perspective. LaMarche conveys emotional resonance with gauzy, soft-hued paintings of the inspirational proceedings.”
“The Carpenter’s Gift captures two of New York City’s greatest traditions ― the Rockefeller Center tree lighting and giving back to people in need― in a way that families can share together all year long.” ― Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York
“The heartwarming tale told in The Carpenter’s Gift brings together—through beautiful illustrations and a moving, multi-generational story—two great traditions: the Rockefeller Center tree and the neighbor-helping-neighbor program of Habitat for Humanity.” —Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States and dedicated Habitat volunteer
“Through my support of Habitat for Humanity, I have seen all of the good that can happen when people work alongside each other to build something better. I see the same thread in The Carpenter’s Gift, a sweet story” about a young boy whose life is changed when new friends help his family build a house — Susan Sarandon, actress
“My dad was a carpenter who built the house we grew up in, and this book brings to mind his gentle nature and generosity.” — Garrison Keillor, storyteller
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