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Add More Ing to Your Life Reader’s Guide

By Gabrielle Bernstein

Add More Ing to Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein

Add More Ing to Your Life Reader’s Guide

By Gabrielle Bernstein

Category: Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Philosophy | Spiritual Nonfiction


Questions and Topics for Discussion

1. Gabrielle suggests that limiting thoughts come from buried feelings from past negative experiences. Do you think this is true? Have you ever suffered from a limiting belief? Were you able to find the source of that belief?

2. In the forgiving chapter, Hanna is able to stop playing the victim and experience her relationships with her parents for ‘who they are’, not ‘who they were’. Do you think that someone can choose to stop seeing herself as a victim? Do you think people have a tendency to hold on to who people were in the past, limiting their ability to see when they’ve changed for the better?

3. When she discusses balancing, Gabby describes our culture as being left brained. Is this true? What problems are there with being too logical and analytical? Would you describe yourself as left brained or right brained?

4. In the mirroring chapter, Emily finds her parents’ resistance to her dream of going to Africa unbearable, only to discover it was a reflection of her own feelings of unworthiness. Why do you think we can learn so much from people who push our buttons? Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?

5. Gabby warns against designating our romantic relationships as ‘special’. Do you think this is a wise idea? How would you describe a healthy relationship? Should we value our romantic relationships over our friendships?

6. In the chapter on stretching, Gabby suggests that the human tendency to rationalize is actually a tendency to tell ourselves “rational lies” to keep us down. Is this a good description? What are some other ways that guilt can affect us?

7. Beethoven, Einstein, and Edison have all had quantum moments. Is this surprising? Has someone in your life ever had a quantum moment?

8. Gabby stresses the need for physical activity to bring balance into our lives. How important do you think physical activity is to your emotional health? Was there an exercise in the book that you found particularly enjoyable or helpful?

9. Which chapter did you relate to the most?

10. Which chapter did you have the hardest time applying to your life?

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