Mar 20, 2012 | ISBN 9780771055096
Aug 20, 2013 | ISBN 9780771055119
The Billionaire’s Vinegar
Jesus Wept
Fatal Vision
Right Here With You
Old Gods, New Enigmas
The Stained Glass Window
Six Impossible Things
Differ We Must
Booster Shots
Praise for Don McKay:
“These exuberantly musical and shrewd poems are ecological in the fullest sense of the word: they seek to elucidate our relationships with our fragile dwelling places both on the earth and in our own skins.”
—New York Times Book Review
“Don McKay walks us out to the uncertain ground between the known and unknown, between the names we have given things and things as they are. . . . McKay’s meditations on time’s evidence acquire a similar heft, proposing, in their discipline of mind and generosity of spirit, a way to be at home in the world. A book of patience, courage, and quiet eloquence.”
—Judges’ citation, 2007 Griffin Poetry Prize (winner)
“He is an essential poet of our time. . . .”
—Judges’ citation, 2005 Griffin Poetry Prize
“Reading McKay is a heightened and altering experience; it changes my personal relationship with language and silence.”
—Toronto Star
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