Stations of the Heart
By Richard Lischer
By Richard Lischer
By Richard Lischer
By Richard Lischer
Mar 17, 2015 | ISBN 9781101910474
Apr 02, 2013 | ISBN 9780307960542
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“Stations of the Heart is a book after my own heart, profound, gorgeous, deeply spiritual and human, beautifully written, heartbreaking, but also, because of the writer’s wisdom and spirit, triumphant.” —Anne Lamott
“Emotionally honest, raw and beautiful. I read the book over a single day and often with my heart pounding. The book is remarkable for its intimate narration of a father and son story but also for that simple yet impossible thing—one human clearly seeing another.” —Darcey Steinke, author of Easter Everywhere and Sister Golden Hair
“Quite extraordinary. . . Lischer’s only son, Adam, died of rapidly metastasizing melanoma in 2005. He was 33. . . He said he’d had a charmed life, and part of what is impressive about his questioning father’s chastely worded, clear-eyed account is that we come to appreciate that.” —Booklist
“A fond view of a father-son relationship and a loving tribute from a minister to a son who chose a different spiritual path in his life and to his death.” —Kirkus Reviews
“In this tender, searching, resigned memoir and tribute to [his son] Adam, Lischer relives the final three-month journey that he, his wife, and [Adam’s wife] traveled with Adam, recalling with grace and humor memories of Adam in his elementary school days, his college days, and his quest to change the world around as a modern-day Atticus Finch.” —Publishers Weekly
“Stations of the Heart deserves a place alongside these classics [John Gunther’s inspirational Death Be Not Proud and Nicholas Wolterstorff’s anguished Lament for a Son] for many reasons. It is elegant without excess, personal without self-absorption, profoundly emotional without sentimentality. . . . It looks beyond the one man’s death to the death we all will face. It raises religious and philosophical questions without offering pat answers.” —Christian Century
“An inspirational memoir . . . Lischer is a fine writer—self-aware, humorous and unstinting in describing the outrage of a son dying before his father.” —The Toronto Star
“By the story’s close, you’ll have laughed, prayed, shaken your fist at the sky, and wept along with the author and his family. Lyrical, wise, and full of warmth, Stations of the Heart accomplishes what only the best memoirs can: it bears witness to the unimaginable and gives voice to the inarticulable.” —David McGlynn, author of A Door in the Ocean
“As he grieved over the loss of his son, Richard Lischer gradually discovered that he had been given a new role — as the interpreter of his own son’s death. In this tender and loving book, Lischer does indeed become an interpreter, not only of his son’s death but also of the fragile and beautiful relationships that make life both a peril and a gift for us all. Lischer is a faithful witness whose truthful and searing testimony evokes memory, provokes tears, and finally points powerfully toward hope.” —Thomas G. Long, author of What Shall We Say? Evil, Suffering, and the Crisis of Faith
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