Jan 13, 2015 | ISBN 9780804140782
Jan 13, 2015 | ISBN 9780804140799
Healing the Downsized Organization
Evil Plans
Growing Great Employees
The Power of Onlyness
Closing the Engagement Gap
Creativity in Business
Winner of the “Business: Careers” Award of the 2015 USA Best Book Awards
A provocative and well-researched look at education and skills development – or the lack thereof in the United States – one of the key issues facing companies, colleges and workers in the U.S. today.” –Eric Spiegel, President and CEO, Siemens USA
” Job U should be required reading for those wanting to know where and how to acquire the in depth knowledge and real world skills needed not just to land a well paying job but to progress up the ladder toward a well paying career. Job U provides common sense, actionable solutions designed to close the skills gap and address the critical issue of economic growth and competitiveness” –Stanley S. Litow, Vice President, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs & President, IBM International Foundation
“It’s so refreshing to read a book as well written and accessible; that so eloquently nails the problem surrounding the “college for everyone” mindset. Above all, the marshalling of the growing empirical and case study evidence that marketable and practical skills pays will keep a few of those gilt edged educators awake at night.” - Tom Bewick, CEO and Chief Economist at the International Skills Standards Organization
Nicholas Wyman has done excellent research …. in Wyman’s forthcoming book, Job U. Wyman argues that the United States should take a cue from the Germans’ emphasis on the value of vocational education, particularly in the manufacturing sector, from an early age.”- Carrie Sheffield - Forbes
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