Jan 26, 2016 | ISBN 9781607747598
Jan 26, 2016 | ISBN 9781607747604
From Ted to Tom: The Illustrated Envelopes of Edward Gorey
The 14th Shanghai Biennale
The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary
James Ensor
Almond Blossom Artists Sketchbook
Starry Night Artists Sketchbook
Character Drawing with Alcohol Markers
“Sylvie Covey’s excellent book on printmaking is not only beautiful and informative but also covers a wide range of printmaking processes, both conventional and digital, with detailed information on tools, inks, papers, and presses. Well designed and visually accessible, this book is a must-have for artists, laypeople, and anyone wanting to know more about the methodology and practice of printmaking.”
—SUSAN CRILE, artist and professor at Hunter College
Table Of Contents
Foreword by Ira Goldberg vi
Acknowledgments viii
Introduction 1
Some Basic Terms and Definitions 2
About This Book 7
Part I: Relief Printmaking
1 | Relief Printmaking Background and Basics 11
A Brief History 11
Western- versus Japanese-Style
Relief Printing 18
2 | Woodblock Printing 29
Equipment and Materials for
Woodcuts 29
Reduction-Method Woodblock
Printing 31
Western-Style Multiblock Woodcuts 43
Japanese-Style Multiblock Woodcuts
(Ukiyo-e) 44
3 | Linoleum Block Printing 49
Equipment and Materials for Linocuts 49
Single-Color (Black and White)
Linocuts 50
Color Reduction Linocuts 53
Part II: Intaglio Printmaking
4 | Intaglio Printmaking Background
and Basics 61
A Brief History 65
Equipment and Materials 72
Preparing the Plate 77
5 | Non-Acid Intaglio Techniques 81
Drypoint 82
Engraving 83
Mezzotint 87
6 | Acid Intaglio Techniques 97
Hard Ground Etching 97
Soft Ground Etching 103
Aquatint 109
Acid-Resist Open Bite Etching 125
Embossing 129
Sugar Lift 132
7 | Collography 137
8 | Photo-Etching and Photogravure 143
Polymer Photo-Etching 143
Toner Transfer Photo-Etching 151
Polymer Photogravure 155
9 | Printing Intaglio 159
Printing in Monochrome 159
Printing in Multiple Colors à la Poupée 162
Printing in Multiple Colors—Color
Separation Method 163
Roll-up Viscosity Printing 163
Part III: Lithography
And Serigraphy
10 | Lithography 169
A Brief History 171
Equipment and Materials 177
Stone Lithography 181
Hand-Drawn Lithography on
Aluminum 200
Photolithography 206
Pronto Polyester Lithography 214
Paper Lithography 221
11 | Serigraphy 225
A Brief History 226
Equipment and Materials 228
Basic Screen Printing Techniques 230
Part IV: Chine-Collé, Mixed Media, and New Printmaking Techniques
12 | Chine-Collé 239
13 | Mixed Media 251
Richard Pitts 252
Jase Clark 256
Slavko Djuric 260
Shelley Thorstensen 264
Janet Millstein 268
Marcin Wlodarczyk 272
14 | Digital Transfers 276
15 | Post-Digital Graphics 285
Resources 296
For Further Reading 299
About the Author 301
Index 302
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