Hot X: Algebra Exposed!
By Danica McKellar
By Danica McKellar
Part of McKellar Math
Category: Nonfiction
Jun 28, 2011 | ISBN 9780452297197
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“A cross between a math class and a slumber party, and a perky, self-affirming slumber party at that: interspersed among the math are anecdotes about boys and testimonials about struggles and triumphs with math… McKellar exhorts her readers to be smart and confident… I found myself wishing that Ms. McKellar, who makes math relevant without dumbing it down, would cover the rest of the high school math curriculum.”—Kenneth Chang, The New York Times
“A must-have for any teen or tween girl who feels nervous about algebra class this year.”—The Washington Post
“McKellar…may well have done more to encourage girls to stick with math than any government task force…the wildly enthusiastic response [her books] have received speaks to the effect that can be achieved by reworking the contents of standard math and science problems and countering the perception that boys won’t like girls who are smart.”—Eileen Pollack, The New York Times
“As far as math goes, McKellar knows her stuff…Facing down a 432-page book devoted to algebra could give even math whizzes pause, but McKellar makes it work, taking the textbook-meets-Seventeen approach by mixing the explanations and equations with boy talk, quizzes, and testimonials from successful women. While a tutor might use this title as a teaching aid, teen girls will want to explore iton their own. Navigation is easy; students are encouraged to hop from chapter to chapter as their homework demands. The breakdown of equations is effective and certainly unconventional—explaining functions in terms of sausage factories, for example, or exponents in terms of whip-bearing female executives (makes sense in the book, promise)—and while McKellar keeps her focus on how to solve math problems, her approach is both readable and even entertaining.”—Courtney Jones, Booklist
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