Written Out of History
By Mike Lee
By Mike Lee
By Mike Lee
By Mike Lee
By Mike Lee
Read by Kimberly Farr
By Mike Lee
Read by Kimberly Farr
Category: Colonial/Revolutionary War History | Domestic Politics
Category: Colonial/Revolutionary War History | Domestic Politics
Category: Colonial/Revolutionary War History | Domestic Politics | Audiobooks
May 29, 2018 | ISBN 9780399564468
May 30, 2017 | ISBN 9780399564475
May 30, 2017 | ISBN 9781524751029
483 Minutes
Buy the Audiobook Download:
The Assault on Intelligence
Young Benjamin Franklin
All In
The Oil and the Glory
The Man Who Ran Washington
The Jungle Grows Back
Common Sense Training
The Virginia Dynasty
“He is telling us a story… about the people who saw a powerful federal government as the greatest threat to our liberty and freedom, and it is a belief you can clearly tell Lee shares….This is without a doubt your must-read of the summer.”
—Red State
“An entertaining and enlightening account of our ‘forgotten founders’ but, more important, a vital reminder of why limited government and federalism must be restored to the center of the American experiment.”
—ARTHUR C. BROOKS, president of the American Enterprise Institute
“Senator Mike Lee continues to demonstrate that the struggle for limited government and against historical amnesia are inseparable.”
“Every liberty-loving American should read this book!”
“These stories have been forgotten or ‘buried’ by those who would like us to forget the founders’ strong suspicion of centralized, unrestrained government. Any American who reads this book will find it difficult to put down, and will emerge from the experience not only inspired, but also better equipped to support, protect, and defend the Constitution.”
“Power-hungry politicians and biased historians have deliberately neglected these captivating stories from America’s founding era, stories that once restored to our national consciousness could help usher in a new era of American exceptionalism.”
“While I’d eagerly recommend it just for the highly entertaining stories, even more important is the message these stories convey together: the Constitutionwas designed to limit the federal government and secure power for the statesand, ultimately, the people.”
—STEPHEN F. HAYES , editor in chief, The Weekly Standard
“This book should be part of every patriot’s library.”
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