The Joy of Mixology, Revised and Updated Edition
By Gary Regan
By Gary Regan
By Gary Regan
By Gary Regan
Category: Cocktail, Beer, Wine & Beverage | Cooking Methods
Category: Cocktail, Beer, Wine & Beverage | Cooking Methods
Aug 28, 2018 | ISBN 9780451499028
Aug 28, 2018 | ISBN 9780451499035
The Essential Bar Book
The New Craft of the Cocktail
Deep Thoughts
At Home in the Kitchen
American Pie
Baking Gold
Somebody Else Sold the World
The Art of Rivalry
“A comprehensive study of the bartending art.”
–Robert Simonson, PUNCH
“For the 15th anniversary of one of the modern cocktail movement’s pioneering books, Gary Regan released this gorgeous update, complete with new recipes and revisions of some of the originals.” —Imbibe
“The first time I read The Joy of Mixology when it was published in 2003, I was so focused on Gary Regan’s theory of mixology and insightful bartending tips that I all but overlooked the “joy” part. As I re-read his modern classic fifteen years later, I can’t help but smiling over and over as his bawdy, boundlessly curious, and mischievous personality that permeates the text. Gary—or Gaz, for his new friends—approaches the craft of the cocktail with glee, and we all should be grateful he’s shared with us how he got there.”
–Jim Meehan, bartender, journalist, and author of Meehan’s Bartender Manual and The PDT Cocktail Book
“For me, Gary Regan’s Joy of Mixology was the book that started it all—the seed that sprouted the craft cocktail revolution.”
—Jeffrey Morgenthaler, author of Drinking Distilled and The Bar Book
“They say that lightning never strikes twice, but I’m here to tell you that it does. When Gary ‘Gaz’ Regan sent me The Joy of Mixology back in 2003, I knew it would become a game-changer for our industry. Not only have I been regularly recommending it ever since, but I also utilize it as a powerful reference whenever training new bartenders. It’s a seminal piece of work, and required reading for anyone interested in cocktails as a profession, or a hobby.
A lot of advancements have been made in our industry since the publication of the first edition. Not only is the core content as fundamental today as it was in ’03, but the updates in this revised edition guarantee that this book will remain on my must-read list for many years to come. Gaz has wonderfully captured new techniques, concepts and recipes, and it will continue to teach and inspire today’s bartenders as it did for me back then.”
—Audrey Saunders, mixologist and owner of the Pegu Club
“Gary Regan writing about bars and bartending is like the suspension cables writing about the bridge that hangs from them. He’s more than just an insider—he’s essential infrastructure, as every page of this new edition of his pivotal book proves.”
—David Wondrich, cocktail historian and author of Imbibe! and Punch
“[The Joy of Mixology] was a really awesome lead-in to just a relatively unpretentious way of learning how to make drinks and what’s important about the job.
“As a long-time mentor to myself and countless other cocktail slingers both past and present, Gary Regan has updated what was once an essential read to a required one for anyone who’s interested in what it takes to be a great bartender. His knowledge of the guests’ experience—its humor, its seriousness and our role in it—will help mold the front lines for generations to come.”
—Frank Caiafa, author of The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book
“Thoughtfulness, mindfulness, meditation . . . listening and really seeing your surroundings . . . these words and phrases may not sound like something out of a mixology book, but they are now! From a very special soul ‘Gaz’ Regan, who sees the barroom as a place to imbibe and celebrate our humanity, this new edition of The Joy of Mixology is as irreverent and funny as ever—filled with great recipes for drinks and lessons for life.”
—Dale DeGroff, author of The Craft of the Cocktail and The Essential Cocktail
“This is the cocktail book I’ve had to re-purchase the most often. It is the cocktail book I lend out the most and never get back. That either shows how amazing the book itself is, or how bad my bartender friends are. Either way, its pages of advice, history, and flavor charts are well worn on my bookshelf.”
—Hallie Arnold, professional mixologist
“If you want to graduate to the next level, this book helps you to categorize cocktails so you can actually go on to create your own drinks.”
—Joe DeLuca, founder of the United States Bartenders’ Guild
“Several bartenders mentioned Gary Regan’s Joy of Mixology and its taxonomic approach to ‘families’ of mixed drinks as a helpful memory aid. If you master the basics—how much spirit to how much modifier and sweetener for a handful of drink families—then you can focus on the specific ingredients, and turn to the ‘family’ ratios for measures.”
—The Daily Beast
“The Joy of Mixology categorizes drinks into an almost taxonomic breakdown of how drinks relate to one another, rounding out anyone’s cocktail knowledge into a more complete and analytical look at how drinks have developed.”
—The Phoenix New Times
“[The Joy of Mixology] changed my entire outlook on bartending . . . it really opened my eyes to the connection we have as far as using beverages as a way to really create a social bond among people.”
—Mills Higgins, mixologist at The Anchorage in Greenville, SC
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