By David Neiwert
By David Neiwert
By David Neiwert
By David Neiwert
By David Neiwert
By David Neiwert
Nov 27, 2018 | ISBN 9781786634467
Oct 17, 2017 | ISBN 9781786634238
Oct 17, 2017 | ISBN 9781786634245
School Moms
Shattered Nation
The Siege
Thoughts from the Ice-Drinker’s Studio
Fantasies of Virtual Reality
When Freedom Is the Question, Abolition Is the Answer
On Civil Disobedience
Diary of a Crisis
On Leadership
“The seemingly sudden reemergence of the far right in America has left many in a state of panic and bewilderment. Alt-America will be essential in helping us to comprehend the depth of its foundations in national life.”
—Angela Nagle, author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right
“Over the last two decades, David Neiwert has been one of our finest analysts of the American far right, paying sustained, serious and careful attention to the seemingly fringe movements of conspiracy theorists and insurrectionists. Now it turns out these movements are not so fringe after all but have helped elect Donald Trump as president. This crisply written book, grounded in his solid reporting, tells the whole sordid story with clarity and force. More than anyone else, Neiwert understands that Trumpism has deep roots in American culture and history. In this book, he lays out those roots for all to see.”
—Jeet Heer, Senior Editor at the New Republic
“For over a decade, David Neiwert has been America’s canary in the coal mine—our national early-warning system on the spread of corrosive, eliminationist, right-wing hatred in our midst.”
—Rick Perlstein, author of Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America
“David Neiwert is among the most astute analysts of the contemporary right.”
—Joe Conason, author of Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth
“Neiwert has not only earned his investigative chops over the past decade or so by exploring the dangerous side of right-wing extremism—he’s proven himself to be one of the more lyrical and elegant writers on the beat.”
—Daily Kos
“An alarming, well-researched account of how the far-right extremist underground became empowered in the era of Trump … A prescient discussion of one of the darkest issues facing America today.”
“Offers the most comprehensive account of the United States’ renewed extremist cultures … Alt-America excites in its ability to connect the seemingly extraordinary alt-right to the broader culture of wing-nut conservatism, drawing white nationalism, 4chan, Donald Trump, Alex Jones and Fox News together into a wonky negaverse version of political life.”
—John Semley, Globe and Mail
“Neiwert’s book masterfully exposes so many of the interstices between Trump, the far-right nationalists and the toxic manipulators of social media, each feeding off the others.”
—Michael Hirsch, Indypendent
“Tracing the ebbs and flows of this far-right extremism in the United States over the last 20 years, Neiwert argues that white nationalist activity in the age of Trump is simply the latest flare-up of what he calls ‘Alt-America,’ or the segment of the American population that has fed on conspiracy theories, racist misinformation, and deep distrust of federal institutions for decades.”
—J.C. Pan, New Republic
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