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Real Men Knit Reader’s Guide

By Kwana Jackson

Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson

Real Men Knit Reader’s Guide

By Kwana Jackson

Category: Contemporary Romance | Women’s Fiction


Readers Guide
REAL MEN KNIT by Kwana Jackson
Questions for Discussion
1. What did you think about Mama Joy’s character and how her presence lingers with each of the major characters in REAL MEN KNIT, though we don’t get to meet her in person?

2. REAL MEN KNIT is very much a story of community. What did you think of the OKG (Old Knitting Gang) and how they play into the story and the community? Were there any people like this in your life? Did you have a favorite member of the OKG?

3. Do you feel the way Jesse dealt with his grief by pouring himself into Strong Knits was healthy?

4. Do you feel Kerry’s way of dealing with her grief by helping Jesse reopen the shop was healthy?

5. The sibling bonds are strong (no pun intended) between the Strong brothers, and the fact that besides Lucas and Noah there is not a biological connection between the brothers doesn’t change the strength of their bond. What do you think of that fact and what it illustrates about what really defines a family?

6. What do you think of the personality differences between the Strong brothers? How are they different but also similar?

7. Who is your favorite Strong brother?

8. What do you think of the fact that all the Strong brothers knit? Are there any male knitters in your life?

9. What do you think of Jesse’s grand gesture and declaration at the end? Did it show his true feelings for her? Was it satisfying, and was Kerry’s response and the conclusion satisfying?

10. Are you crafty? Did reading REAL MEN KNIT bring out your crafty or romantic side, or both?
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