The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 50th Anniversary Edition
By Carla Emery
By Carla Emery
By Carla Emery
By Carla Emery
By Carla Emery
By Carla Emery
Category: Home | Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Garden
Category: Home | Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Garden
Category: Home | Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Garden
Dec 03, 2019 | ISBN 9781632172891
Dec 03, 2019 | ISBN 9781632172907
Apr 01, 2025 | ISBN 9781632175830
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#1 The Best Country and Rural Living Books list: “This comprehensive resource is the most authoritative guide available to a sustainable lifestyle and living off of the land.”
#1 15 Best Homesteading Books for Beginners in 2021: “This book is one of our favorites…many aspects of basic farm life fill the (tremendously) detailed 928 pages. You’ll find gardening tips, how to prepare food, and how to buy land. …If you want to know more about keeping bees, raising rabbits, and taking care of cows, then this is the book to get!
—Outdoor Happens
“For the suburbanite with just enough space for a little garden to the die-hard homesteaders and everyone in between, The Encyclopedia of Country Living makes for both fascinating reading and a truly essential reference source. You won’t find a more complete source of step-by-step information about growing, processing, cooking and preserving every kind of food—from the garden, the orchard, the field or the barnyard!”
Rodale Book Club
“If you’re dreaming about moving “back to the land” someday, or if you’re already there and want to live more self-sufficiently, you’ll want a copy of … The Encyclopedia of Country Living.”
Organic Gardening
“This book is a monument to the coevolution of a person and an idea. . . this book should be shelved in your collection between the Foxfire books and Alicia Bay Laurel’s Living on Earth.”
Whole Earth catalog
“Packed with old wisdom as well as up-to-date websites and mail-order sources to make country living easier.”
Country Almanac
“As one astonished browser acclaimed, ‘Is there anything this book doesn’t tell you how to do?’”
Library Journal
“If you’re thinking about ditching the city and reconnecting with a simpler, more direct way of life . . . The Encyclopedia covers a wealth of information to keep you on target.”
Lehman’s Country Living
“If I could only have one comprehensive how-to book on self-reliant living, this would be it.”
Backwoods Home Magazine
“The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery is one of my favorite finds. It is a guide to all things country…”
The Jefferson County Post
“While it is impossible for one book to have everything you need, ‘The Encyclopedia of Country Living’ does an exceptional job of giving you the most bang for your buck when it comes to needing a single resource where you are likely to find the answer to your country living questions.”
Outdoor Self Reliance
“Practical advice, invaluable information, and collected wisdom for folks and farmers in the country, city, and anywhere in between.”
Territorial Seed catalog
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