Ham Helsing #1: Vampire Hunter
By Rich Moyer
By Rich Moyer
By Rich Moyer
By Rich Moyer
Part of Ham Helsing
Part of Ham Helsing
Jun 01, 2021 | ISBN 9780593308912 | Middle Grade (8-12)
Jun 01, 2021 | ISBN 9780593308936 | Middle Grade (8-12)
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“A rollicking adventure with humor and heart. Ham Helsing is laugh-out-loud funny!” –Kazu Kibuishi, writer and artist of the New York Times bestselling Amulet series
“Equal parts action, hilarity, and offbeat characters! Ham Helsing is a winner!” –Lincoln Peirce, writer and artist ofNew York Times bestselling series Big Nate and Max & the MidKnights
“An hysterical story of danger, family legacy, friendship, and (true) bravery. Also, there’s live bacon. Nuff said. Kids and adults will love this hilarious adventure.” –Terri Libenson, writer and artist of the New York Times bestselling series Emmie & Friends
“With amazing artwork, compelling characters and an incredibly fun journey, Ham Helsing: Vampire Hunter is a book for readers of all ages (and bacon lovers) to sink their teeth into.”
–Sean Parkes, Assistant Animation Director of the iconic TV series Bob’s Burgers
“Told through full-color panels with a high-energy animated sensibility, Moyer’s silly romp will delight fans with its abundant silliness and visual gags.” — Kirkus Reviews
“This gleefully absurd graphic novel hits all the right notes of middle-grade humor, from snarky asides to punny wordplay to grossout gags, and hapless Ham is an easy Everypig to root for as he stumbles his way toward heroism.” —The Bulletin
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