Woke Racism
By John McWhorter
By John McWhorter
By John McWhorter
By John McWhorter
By John McWhorter
Read by John McWhorter
By John McWhorter
Read by John McWhorter
Oct 26, 2021 | ISBN 9780593423066
Oct 26, 2021 | ISBN 9780593423073
Oct 26, 2021 | ISBN 9780593509906
318 Minutes
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“This is a passionate, often fiery book, but it is also seriously considered and scrupulously reasoned. Whether or not readers are persuaded by McWhorter’s analysis, they must, in the name of intellectual honesty, consider the book mandatory reading.”—Kirkus Reviews, starred review
“McWhorter brings us much-needed pointed social commentarywith humor and grace. Give this book to those who are questioning the new religion, even those who have found it. Woke Racism has the capacity to melt the hatred and fervor that is now all the rage, and to bring love and forgiveness, logic and discourse, back into fashion.”—Heather E. Heying, evolutionary biologist and coauthor of A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century
“Scathingly brilliant and strawman-killing from the get-go, Woke Racism will make you stop in your tracks no matter what your politics are—and very possibly reexamine some of your deepest held convictions. Masterfully and beautifully written, this book is a powerful appeal for common sense.”—Amy Chua, professor at Yale Law School and author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Political Tribes
“Honest commentary about racial controversies is rare, and John McWhorter is a writer who can be counted on to provide it. Woke Racism is a heartfelt evisceration of the sloppy thinking that forms the foundation of so much social justice activism today. It’s an essential contribution to our national discussion about racial inequality, and McWhorter’s willingness to put unvarnished truth above politically correct niceties deserves our gratitude.”—Jason L. Riley, Wall Street Journal columnist and author of Maverick
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