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The Hunter’s Daughter Reader’s Guide

By Nicola Solvinic

The Hunter's Daughter by Nicola Solvinic

The Hunter’s Daughter Reader’s Guide

By Nicola Solvinic

Category: Crime Fiction | Paranormal Fiction | Suspense & Thriller


Reader’s Guide
The Hunter’s Daughter by Nicola Solvinic
Discussion Questions:

1. Because of her father, Anna struggles with her morality throughout the book. What were your opinions of Anna as you read?

2. Forests play an important role in this story. Other than being a setting, what do you think is the symbolism of the forest in this book? Is there more than one interpretation?

3. Anna undergoes tests for the Lyssa variant. What do you think the inclusion of this gene type represents in the context of this story?

4. Nick is always there for Anna. As you learned more about him at the end of the book, does his care for Anna help shape your opinion of forgiveness and healing from trauma?

5. Do you think Anna is on her way to healing?

6. Dr. Richardson uses an unconventional way to help Anna tap into her childhood memories. What did you think of this method? Did it help or do harm?

7. Was Anna’s father the only reason why Anna felt like a monster? How do you think her mother might have played a role?

8. Do you think Anna’s mother is a bad person?

9. Strange things happen to Anna throughout the book and there is talk of even stranger things that have gone on before. Did you think there
was a logical explanation for everything, or did you believe in the strangeness?

10. What did you think of the ending? Anna’s journey isn’t over—what do you think is next for her?
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