Choices Under Fire
By Michael Bess
By Michael Bess
By Michael Bess
By Michael Bess
Category: World War II Military History | Philosophy | World History
Category: World War II Military History | Philosophy | World History
Mar 11, 2008 | ISBN 9780307275806
Mar 12, 2009 | ISBN 9780307494450
Nazism and War
Reagan’s War
Between War and Peace
Taming the Street
Black Hearts
How America Got It Right
Hard America, Soft America
“Wise, judicious, eloquent.” —Geoffrey Ward“A stunning and brilliantly written case for using history as a filter to examine the great traumas of our more recent past, adding a moral compass to see the true roots of war and violence in our time.” —Rocky Mountain News“Meticulous, unsparing, and a brilliant case study in the complexity -but also the necessity–of coming to moral judgments even in a time of “total war.” —Sanford Lakoff, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of California, San Diego“A tough-minded, courageous, ultimately optimistic book, sure to spark debate among readers interested in the history of warfare and the future of our planet.” —The Tennessean
Table Of Contents
Introduction: Evaluating the Second World War: Celebration, Doubt, and Complexity
PART ONE: Fomenting War
1. A Wide World of Racisms
2. Causes of the Pacific War: A Longer View on Pearl Harbor
3. Causes of the War in Europe: The Paradoxical Legacy of Munich
PART TWO: Making War
4. Bystanders: How Much Is Not Enough?
5. Bombing Civilian Populations: A Case of Moral Slippage
6. Deep Evil and Deep Good: The Concept of Human Nature Confronts the Holocaust
7. Decisions at Midway, 1942: Moral Character As a Factor in Battle
8. Tyranny Triumphant: The Moral Awkwardness of the Alliance with Stalin
9. Kamikaze: Wartime Suicide Attackss in Anthropological Perspective
10. The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb: Twelve Questions
PART THREE: Long Term Consequences of the War
11. Justice for the Unspeakable?: The Enduring Legacy of the War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg and Tokyo
12. Generations Under a Shadow: The Challenges of Peace Since Hiroshima
13. The Politics of Memory: Remembering and Unremembering Wartime
Conclusion: What Would Be the Opposite of Hitler’s World?
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